Skin Care Interview with Mira Herman

I made my first moisturizing cream when I was nineteen. My company, Rosemira, was born out of a need to nourish my own skin. I had low thyroid function, my skin drier than most girls my age. It had nothing to do with aging or wrinkles. I didn't want skin with a white dry look and feel to it. Lotions were too watery, and once absorbed, didn't hydrate my skin, so I started with a body cream. Richer than lotions, it took a bit longer to absorb, but my skin immediately felt hydrated, soft and silky to the touch. I did not become a skin care formulator until many years later. I first became an herbalist, then a Chiropractor and lastly an Acupuncturist. I had a practice for over 25 years before realizing my products had such an impact on my skin, women my age were inquiring how they could do the same. With requests for various products, and utilizing the knowledge I'd accumulated over decades, Rosemira gradually developed and expanded to where we now have dozens of products for all skin types, many healing products for particularly challenging skin conditions, and many loyal and satisfied customers.
1. Why do you think it’s important to use an organic skin care line like Rosemira?
"It's a matter of life style and priorities. What matters to you? Is it not looking old at all cost, or is it living a healthy life style with the consequence of aging gracefully? Are we willing to take time and be responsible for our own nourishment? Taking the path of health and choosing to be at the helm usually means eating healthy foods, exercising and sleeping well. Often however we separate our skin and hair from the rest of the equation, this is the one body we care for. Our skin and hair are not external accessories; they're deeply connected to our inner health. Using Rosemira means not compromising by using less than the absolute best product with the highest grade of nutrients to feed your skin and support the inner health you're striving for. Not to mention they feel yummy and smell divine due to nothing less a magical synergy of essential oils, something I love to play with."
2. What are the steps you recommend taking when washing off makeup at night and caring for your skin?
"Take make up off immediately when walking in the door. Let the skin have time to breathe without being covered up by pore clogging foundation It's like kicking off a tight shoe when you walk in the house. Wash your face, remove the outside energy. Foaming cleansers are generally drying. I don't recommend using them daily and certainly not twice a day, particularly once you've reached 45 or so, but if you need to use a foaming cleanser, then use the least harmful. Rosemira Foaming Cleansers have a dual action of cleansing and exfoliating, so you are stimulating much needed circulation while you're removing layers obscuring proper oxygen flow. We do not add any drying alcohols, so if you follow up with a hydrating hydrosol toner, serum or moisturizing cream, the drying effect of the foaming cleanser is mostly mitigated. Remove make-up and scrub several times until thoroughly clean and, while skin is still damp, spray a hydrosol toner. Pat it on well and then apply Serum, Moisturizing Cream or Eye Cream. Which exact products you use depends on your skin type, or specific skin conditions you may be addressing at the time."
3.What is the one product in your line that you absolutely can’t live without and why?
"This is a difficult question, like asking me to choose between my children (kidding...).
If you look at my line you can tell I love variety. However, if hard pressed (with a gun to my head) I'd say my absolute must is the Gorgeous Gold Stem Cell Serum. It's packed with nutritious ingredients for my skin, not too oily so it can be used on all skin types and all weather. It absorbs well, and also has this tint so I look slightly tan. I'm also told that I have an immediate glow after using it, and who doesn't like hearing that. And of-course like most of Rosemira's products it too has an inspiring scent.
I do want to address the tendency we all have of getting used to a specific routine.
I hear women tell me they have been using the same products for 20 years. It makes no sense to me, would we eat exactly the same food day in and day out?. I believe we should change the products we use as we age, with the seasons, when our external conditions change for a period such as when working outdoors in the sun, or in dry weather on a particular month, or when travelling to a different climate. Definitely we can have our daily staples so to speak and we should also be aware of the need to change our products. In the winter we don't eat as many cold foods as we do in the summer, similarly our beloved See Me C Repair Serum is a great summer serum and if you need and want to use a Vitamin C Serum, then please do use it year round as well. And in the winter you may want to either replace it or add to it a heavier serum, for example: Beauty Revitalizing Serum, Skin Sonata Argan Oil Infusion, Skin Fugue Advanced Recovery Serum, or Skin Lullaby Anti-Wrinkle Serum. And when in doubt ask for help. I love it when women take control of their beauty regimen and ask me questions about what is the best product to address a particular need. How can we possibly navigate through all parts of our lives without relying on the expert to guide us?"
4. Where can people find Rosemira if they’d like to give it a try?
"We have a lovely on-line store where you can find all the products and write if you have questions and need support or recommendations. We also sell on Amazon. Locally you can find us at all three Oliver's Markets locations and we have just begun selling at Whole Foods though right now it is a limited selection, so check in with them later on."
The weather is in transition, it's a good time to make sure and evaluate the products you are using so they deliver the results you want, and also possibly change a few products as needed. If you are not sure what you need Mira will answer simple questions if you send her an e-mail, for more extensive and individualized consultations head over to the consult page and get the help you need with samples, so you know the products will work for you before committing to retail sized products.